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Cutting Cords: Releasing Energetic Ties with Intention

Nov 19, 2024

5 min read




Some might read about "cord cutting" and think, "Here comes the mumbo jumbo," or imagine a quick snip-snip or snap-snap solving all their problems. But what I’ve learned from working with energy is that we are so much more than flesh and bones. We connect energetically with all other living beings, often without even realising it.

As my Spirit guide, Barnabus, once told me: “The path to life is through enlightenment.” At the time, I didn’t fully understand what that meant, but now I do. If we want to escape the reincarnation cycle, enlightenment in our earthly body is key. We return lifetime after lifetime to learn lessons, ticking off what I imagine is a cosmic checklist. But there’s a catch: you can’t tick off the list until you figure out how everything fits together—your own version of the chicken and the egg.

What Are Energetic Cords?

Energetic cords are invisible, vibrational ties that connect us to people, places, or experiences. These connections can form through shared emotions, physical contact, or intense interactions. Some spiritual traditions suggest that cords are even created when someone passes through a woman’s "life-giving area," which makes sense—and admittedly makes me reconsider my stint in casual dating! Every time we connect with someone energetically, they leave behind an energetic imprint. Over time, these imbalances can drain us, consciously or unconsciously.

The Role of Forgiveness in Cord Cutting

Forgiveness plays a critical role in cord cutting. Many people tell me they’ve tried to cut cords, but they’re still affected by the person they’re trying to release. If this person isn’t active in your life anymore, why let them stay active in your mind? Often, the inability to forgive—even partially—is what holds them there.

But let’s be real: some acts feel unforgivable. For those instances, cord-cutting ceremonies can help. You don’t need anything elaborate. I usually search YouTube for a guided ceremony that fits my time frame. Just remember, it’s not a magic pill. The ceremony itself is a tool, but you have to do the work. That work involves visualising each cord connecting to your chakras.

What Happens During a Cord-Cutting Session?

A cord-cutting session is essentially a focused meditation that guides you through the process of releasing energetic ties. It walks you step-by-step through a series of visualisations, often paired with intentional breathing, helping you work through each chakra.

Here’s what it typically involves:

  1. Relaxation and Focus: The session usually begins with grounding yourself through deep breathing. This helps calm your mind and centre your energy.

  2. Connecting with Your Chakras: You’ll be guided to visualise each of your seven chakras, breathing into and through them. Each chakra governs specific emotional and energetic aspects, and cords often attach to these centres.

  3. Identifying the Cords: You’ll imagine the cords connected to your chakras, each one representing an emotional or energetic tie. These may appear as ropes, threads, or any visual that resonates with you.

  4. Releasing with Intention: Through guided prompts, you’ll focus on severing or dissolving these cords. This might involve visualising them being cut, burned, or gently untethered, depending on what feels right for you.

  5. Filling the Space with Healing: Once the cords are released, the session often includes affirmations or visualisations of white light filling the empty spaces, sealing your energy and promoting healing.

  6. Practicing Forgiveness: If you’re ready, the session may encourage you to forgive the person or situation associated with the cord. This forgiveness isn’t for them—it’s for you. It’s about releasing the emotional charge they hold over you.

The process can be deeply calming, emotionally releasing, and empowering. While some people feel the shift immediately, others may need to repeat the session to fully let go of persistent ties.

The Chakra Connection: Where Energy Cords Reside

Cords often attach themselves to our chakras, the energy centres of our body. Each chakra governs different aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual health:

  1. Root Chakra (Survival): Physical grounding and stability.

  2. Sacral Chakra (Creativity and Emotion): Relationships, pleasure, and emotions.

  3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Personal Power): Confidence and self-esteem.

  4. Heart Chakra (Compassion): Love, forgiveness, and connection.

  5. Throat Chakra (Communication): Self-expression and truth.

  6. Third Eye Chakra (Intuition): Awareness and imagination.

  7. Crown Chakra (Spirituality): Connection to higher consciousness.

During a cord-cutting ritual, visualising cords detaching from each chakra while affirming positive intentions for healing is essential. Over time, you should notice a shift—less irritation, less emotional pain—when you hear or think of the person. While you won’t forget they exist, their impact on you diminishes, even on a cellular level.

The Science of Emotional Energy and Cellular Memory

From a scientific perspective, our emotions have a profound effect on our bodies. Studies in psychoneuroimmunology (the study of how emotions influence the immune system) show that emotional stress can disrupt cellular processes, contributing to fatigue, illness, and even chronic pain. By addressing and releasing emotional attachments, such as through cord cutting, you’re reducing the biochemical and energetic stressors that linger in your body.

Rituals to Strengthen Cord Cutting

For a more comprehensive release, you can enhance the ritual with tangible actions:

  • Write it out: Make notes about the person or experience and burn them during the ceremony.

  • Journal your emotions: Journaling allows you to vent frustrations or even write directly to the person as if you were speaking to them. This psychological practice can improve clarity, reduce stress, and promote emotional healing. Writing is often cathartic, providing a safe space to process emotions without judgment.

Remember, rituals don’t need to be perfect, but they need to be intentional. Be honest with yourself: Are you truly ready to let go? If not, keep journaling or reflecting until you feel ready.

Can Anyone Benefit from Cord Cutting?

Whether you believe in "woo" or not, there’s one undeniable truth: if someone still affects you emotionally when you think of them, there’s unresolved energy there. Cord cutting helps reduce that impact, creating emotional and energetic freedom. You can start with simple practices at home using YouTube or Spotify, or work with a professional practitioner.

Boosting the Process with Reiki

Cord cutting can be supercharged by combining it with Reiki, a healing technique that channels energy into your body to promote balance and relaxation. Reiki supports the release process, helping to realign your energy field after the cords have been severed.

Final Thoughts

Cutting cords isn’t about forgetting someone existed—it’s about stopping their energy from affecting you. It’s a process of reclaiming your power, healing old wounds, and making space for positive connections. Whether you take the DIY route or seek professional guidance, the key lies in your intention and willingness to let go.

In doing so, you not only break free from energetic ties that no longer serve your highest good but also take a critical step toward enlightenment. These cords anchor us to unresolved karma and emotional baggage that keep us bound to the cycle of reincarnation. Clearing them is essential for moving closer to liberation and breaking free from the lessons that tether us to repeated lifetimes.

Don’t leave this work for future you to deal with—it’s not something that magically resolves over time or in another incarnation. Take action now. By addressing these connections in your current life, you empower your soul’s journey and create the space for peace, balance, and growth to flourish in this lifetime and beyond. One cord at a time, you pave the way for true spiritual freedom. -Ang x

Nov 19, 2024

5 min read





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